Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Egg Yolks

After a late night at the opera Monday morning started off great with painting class.  I learned how to make my very own paint using egg yolk and pigments.  Can be a very messy process. The colors seem to be richer. :)

My teacher is so great.  He was born and raised in Holland and has lived in Italy for quite some time.  Interesting story: I asked him about the health care here. He said that is used to be free before the bad economy.  Now you buy health insurance according to your income.  For example: His daughter hurt her ankle playing basketball and now has to go to PT.  He bought a card for 37 Euros (about $48) and that gets his daughter 11 physical therapy appointments. WHOOOOOOAH! In the US $48 wouldn’t even pay to say hello to the doctor.

For my lunch break I walked home and made myself a salad, much needed after all this pasta, bread and gelato.  My afternoon was filled with Fashion Marketing and Basic Spoken.  I finally did get a little internet at school and found out that we might get internet on Tuesday YAYYY! This evening I went to dinner and had one of the best pastas so far. (I keep saying that) Four cheese penne YUM!

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