Monday, January 14, 2013

Culture Shock...No Way!

Italian the Language 

Today I woke up before my alarm even went off, at 7:40 am.  Now if you know me at all I am not a morning person so I must have just been excited for today.  We started the day off by meeting our professors at the hotel to walk with them to school.  So I opened up my huge umbrella and started the walk to school up front along side my professor.  I felt like I was in the movies or doing something crazy special.

In Italy pedestrians do not and I mean DO NOT have the right of way.  You need to walk as close to the buildings as you can when you hear the roar of a car, motor bike, truck or small bus.  They will run you over.  So after nearly getting ran over I made it to school safe and dry :)

I should have been overwhelmed or maybe started crying or should have pulled out my hair.  My professor barely spoke any English in the four hours of class.  I sat there and tried to listen and just take it all in.  He is a very funny, charming Italian.  If you spoke in English or said the wrong pronunciation of the Italian word he would yell NO! NO! NO! NO! or cover his ears and groan nooooo! 

He asked me to use the word bello in a what did I do, told him he was beautiful in Italian.  Everyone laughed and he blushed and said NO! NO! NO! :)  I think the most important phrase I learned today was:  Io mangio il geltato (I eat ice cream) or maybe Io amo il vino   (I love wine)!  He even gave us homework on the first day.  Oh boy and the whole book and workbook have no English.  Let's just say I am still feeling blessed to be in this Country learning! Maybe not by the end of the week though...JK! 

After class is when the real fun began.  I met up with my two roommates for Florance and the other one had plans.  So we went to a restaurant that accepted the school vouchers.  This is where I got my first taste of REAL Italian pizza....SO GOOD!  I ordered one with a red sauce, mozzarella and spicy sausage.  The roommate situation seems like it is going to work out great.  :) big relief!

We then proceeded to an academic meeting where they talked about changing classes and all the rules for the rest of the semester.  The studio art director was introduced and talked with us about our classes.  I am soooo excited to start painting, photography and fashion marketing and merchandising, Italian not so much.

From there we went on a little shopping spree.  I got my first pair of Italian boots and a new cell phone.  Cell phone stores here are just like cell phone stores in the U.S., very busy, people yelling and long lines.  The cell phone is a little less exciting as it looks like a small calculator.  However, for 54 Euros I have a new phone, (250 mins & 250 texts to Italian phones) and 30 euros towards the U.S. 
If anyone calls me from the U.S. it is free for me, however I don't know how much it will cost you.  

My number is 340-936-0981.  Or you can reach me on my ipod when I have WiFi: 402-892-7619.  

Working on homework and checking out all my new things and drinking wine.  The bottle was only 3 Euros (Less Expensive Than Water :)

P.S.  Not sure if I have ever walked this much in one day in my entire life.  Legs and shins are tired.  Wine will help with that right?

Goodnight Friends!


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